Category: Joel Sandaluk

Immigration in the Age of COVID-19

Author/ Joel Sandaluk For the past several weeks, the COVID-19 global pandemic has left the world reeling. Ordinarily reliable government institutions and agencies have had a very difficult time adjusting to the disruption caused by the pandemic. For many individuals and businesses, this disruption has been disastrous. Global travel has been limited, productivity has been

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Joel Sandaluk on foreign surrogacy with City News

Publication/ Faiza Amin, City News Immigration lawyer Joel Sandaluk tells Faiza Amin that while foreign surrogacy may be cheaper, there are still a number of pitfalls couples could encounter that could outweigh the financial considerations.

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Misconduct among border agents investigated by CBSA

​Harassment, sexual assault among alleged misconduct by border agents investigated by CBSA. Joel Sandaluk said the CBSA needs outside oversight. Publication/ Diana Swain, Andreas Wesley, Stephen Davis · CBC News The Canada Border Services Agency, which has the authority to detain and search Canadians and carry out deportations, investigated 1,200 allegations against its own staff over

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Canada is set to sign the U.N. migration pact

Canada is set to sign the U.N. migration pact, Immigration Lawyer Joel Sandaluk joins CTV news for more on this Publication/ CTV News

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What Canadians can expect at U.S. border now cannabis is legal

Author/ ​​Sarah-Joyce Batters by Publication/ Yahoo News Canada has legalized cannabis, but confusion over the laws beyond our land could be a buzzkill. The only country Canada shares a border with, the U.S., still outlaws cannabis at the federal level, even though some states have legalized recreational use. Even with a medical marijuana licence, it’s

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Pot rules and immigration, Immigration Lawyer Joel Sandaluk joins CTV news for more on this

Publication/ CTV News

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Habeas corpus arguments strengthened

Author/ ​Anita Balakrishnan Publication/ Law Times Judges at the Court of Appeal for Ontario said they will allow an appeal on whether immigrants facing “virtual house arrest” meet the requirements for habeas corpus.Rocco Galati, a Toronto-based constitutional lawyer and sole practitioner who represented the appellants, said the case is an example of law evolving for

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Border agents in Canada and the U.S.: What they can do with your phone, laptops and tablets

Author/ Megan ​DeLairePublication/ Yahoo Canada News In a communication era built on mobile devices and 4G networks, humans are conducting increasingly more of their daily activities online. Online shopping and same-day delivery mean bad weather, a cold or a busy schedule no longer equate to an empty fridge. Google Street View and 360 degree videos

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Trudeau Vs. Ford On Immigration

Joel Sandaluk, joined CTV to discuss the divide between Premier Doug Ford and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on which level of government is responsible for helping – and paying for – people seeking asylum in Canada.

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Canadians travelling to the U.S. should be prepared to hand over their phones and laptops.

Immigration lawyer Joel Sandaluk explains how border agents have the right to search phones and other devices without a specific reason.

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